Before you send your quilt, please make sure you have prepped it. Failure to follow the steps may result in additional charges and/or a delay in your quilting.


Square the quilt top.

Press the seams well. Try to press seams in the same direction and get them as flat as possible.

If necessary, please indicate the top of the quilt.

You can mark it with a safety pin and note.

Clip loose threads on the back. This is especially important if your fabric is light colored and your threads are dark.


I offer a variety of batting options. You can see those here.

If you will be sending your own batting:

Make sure your batting is at least 6″ larger than your quilt top. It needs to be the same size as your backing.


Make sure your quilt backing is at least 6″ larger than your quilt top.

A 72” x 90” quilt needs to have backing at least 78” x 96”. However, please do not send backing that is too large, try to keep the backing around 6″ larger.

If you have pieced your backing, please indicate if there is a top.

Please note that I cannot guarantee that a quilt top and backing will be centered.

If you will be sending minky or any other specialty backing, you must let me know ahead of time.

Some specialty fabrics may incur an additional fee.


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